To succeed in anything, you need to become familiar with the qualities of self restraint. When we are able to hold back on life's "pleasures and conveniences" in order to achieve something of great significance, we are able to gain first hand experience at the effort it takes to overcome the small mind set of mediocrity and rise up to a higher standard of achievement that we can be proud of. Self restraint requires a person to take a step back, and see objectively how he or she usually acts and thinks when no self restraint is required. What usually isn't an issue, if no self restraint is needed, suddenly can become a huge issue when feelings of deprivation, anxiety and cravings are suddenly encountered.
My juice cleanse required that I make 5 large beer glasses of mixed veg and fruit juice per day. Now when you are juicing for any length of time and Not eating, you will expose yourself to very strange feelings that usually would not bother you. To not eat is a strange feeling in itself. Eating is a basic ritual that we participate in at various hours of the day. To take that ritual out of the mix is bound to create some hostility. To know you can break the detox at any minute and indulge in whatever your kitchen has to offer takes a ton of self restraint as well. This is by no means to brag or state that I am better than most, it's just to highlight the first hand experience that I have on holding back urges, feeling anxious and seeing how dependant I am on my routinely habit.
To know yourself well, you often have to experience certain instances or events that push you out of your comfort zone. It's in these states where you find out what your weak points are and allow yourself To Become More Self-Aware.
You can go ahead and avoid any kind of situation that requires self-restraint, but I can almost guarantee you that you will not achieve success in most things, whether it is related to diet, financial or relationship. Life coaches will advice you to learn to seek opportunities that require self-restraint. Go on a diet and analyze yourself from the view of an outsider and take note of your struggles. Commit to no TV for a week and note how you will try to convince yourself how you need to watch your favourite episode of Jersey Shore. Try not to complain about anything for one day! I wonder if you will even get out door before you start complaining about something trivial.
In order for you to get over Old Patterns, Negative Behaviour And Ineffective Thoughts, you must become a student of self-restraint. You must learn to bite your tongue when you want your last say in a meaningless argument. You must hold back from road rage. You must Think before you do and say.
This is by no means a walk in the park, but if you practice diligently, you will distance yourself from your un-empowering self and super charge your life with with direction and purpose.
Good luck on your journey!
Thanks for reading,
Kim Lewis-Williams. All rights reserved | Design by W3layouts