Touching somebody’s soul is a sacred practice. Revealing to another our deepest hurts and pain or our aspirations in life takes immense courage. I feel honored to facilitate and assist with the shifts that need to take place in your life. My life calling is to be of service to others and ‘show them the medicine wheel’, thus meaning revealing to them, what their body/energy bodies or spirit needs to activate its own innate healing ability or simply to reveal the information that is sitting deep within, waiting to be re-visited or listened to with compassion, understanding, love and forgiveness from yourself.
Pain can come in any form - physical, emotional or spiritual. It is the bell that rings, if we look at it, we can begin to shift and heal ourselves. If we don’t, the same cycle’s of repetition may circle in our lives until we do.
I have walked this path, I have felt my own emotional pain, the lack, the desperation, the stagnation, the depression and therefore can help facilitate you to shift past yours. No matter what the limitation has appeared to you in your life, it is a message, that something needs to be looked at. Lets go on a journey and look at it together, shift it and find emotional, physical and spiritual freedom.
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