Think of yourself as a computer. By tapping into the 'hardware' of your sub-conscious and conscious mind to see what is not functioning optimally and what it then needs to balance or correct itself. I then trigger your body or mind into deep and lasting changes and imprint or anchor new ways of feeling or being with Kinesiology Corrections
Muscles are used as the biofeedback indicating mechanisms that respond on behalf of all the other systems in your body.
By asking your mind, body and energy via muscle testing the integrity of body and energy systems when thinking of stress, a goal in mind or something we would like to work through or achieve, we can access you subconscious mind to bring through helpful information about where your physical, emotional and mental processes currently are in relation to it and what needs to be triggered into more optimal working function.
There are hundreds of wonderful Kinesiology Corrections to assist the Body, Mind and Energy trigger into its own innate healing ability. We then use the most optimal Kinesiology balance or protocol accordingly when asking your body what will correct or balance the integrity of these systems and create an emotional strength and physical improvement either immediately or with home support, over time.
Kinesiology is the scientific study of human body movement. Kinesiology addresses physiological, biomechanical, and psychological dynamic principles and mechanisms of movement. Adding the study of Energy, and the tools of chinese medicine concepts, gives us the additional benefit of checking energy flow and integrity of energy flow. Therefore finding and correcting physical, emotional and energetic stagnation which helps the body, mind and energy to reboot, flow and heal itself.
Many processes need to be in alignment for focus, clarity, motivation, lightness of being and healing to take place. Kinesiology does not diagnose but rather test for stagnation, accumulation of over or under energy in the systems, deficiency's or toxicity, again the body will indicate through energy integrity as to whether the particular system is healthy and flowing or whether it under energised and 'weak' or over stimulated and stagnant.
Kinesiology is a great blend of techniques based on Chinese energy principles, NLP, age-recess healing, acupressure, alternative energy healing techniques and many more. Kinesiology is beneficial to reformat and trigger all mind and body systems back into healthier functioning.
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