Do you want to move forward feeling more self-aware, resourceful and connected to your authentic self, free from your inherited or old learnt ways of feeling, doing & being?
Through Kinesiology we can take a look at our subconscious programming or feelings, based on our early experiences in childhood or from defining moments in our lives. We can discover what patterns drive our decision-making and give us our life's results. We often are not even aware that those beliefs or decisions are at play in our lives. Through a gentle process of reaching back in time, we can uncover these situations. memories and sometimes trauma that your mind refers to when making choices in life that can be hindering, sabotaging, limiting and stagnant.
The more open, vulnerable and willing to you are, the quicker you will experience change! Usually between sessions, you have 'AHA' moments and more self-awareness comes through, uncovering more layers to be worked on. This is a process of self-empowerment, self-actualisation, self-responsibilty and activating your body's own healing ability.
Through the process we will discover and correct the body/mind/energy processes through the use of Kinesiology Corrections. We then begin to neutralize strongly charged feelings and choices that keep us 'safe', but can also be limiting.
We create less and less from our lacks, limitations, fears and anxieties. This is a process of re-visiting and un-creating what we have been outputting from years of expectations of others, teachings from others, learned behaviors and patterns, possible inherited DNA cellular memory from past generations, your past traumas or pain, abuse or fear based living, how we view and feel about ourselves, personality traits, how the brain connects and makes decisions on how we feel about ourselves and others.
When a traumatic event occurs in our childhood or adult life, we store the trauma at cellular memory, which then becomes a part of us. We carry those emotions experienced during the trauma until we are ready to let it go. Dealing with the pain can be deeply profound in the sense that it frees us to move forward and not be 'stuck' with the hurt. Letting go can be painful and once again traumatic but we are then lighter to move forward. You are fully supported within a session and it is a safe space to let go.
If you want to shift and create new realities & possibilities for yourself, then the time to start is now! Working through the layers and re-circling our main patterns, themes or life lessons until we feel a renewed strength, having caught all the 'gems' and understanding that needed to be revealed, integrated and developed into a strong foundation to build upon going forward.
Usually 4 sessions is recommended to start with and then bi-weekly until it can be tapered off to every few weeks. We often let go in layers and need to work through the many interlinks and overlays of themes in your mind, body and spirit. 12 initial sessions will help you find major relief and then top-up or check-in sessions monthly are always a great way to keep you find tuned, ont track, in alignment and reaching new levels of performance and freedom.
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