Why do we over eat, drink, watch copious amounts of tv, gossip and bring others down? We do these things as, pain internally, is unexpressed potential. The potential to transcend our emotional baggage, to transcend our patterns, to transcend our beliefs that keep us stuck and become who we aspire to be inside somewhere.
Our higher selves or soul level keeps watch as we repeat the same year after year and asking why we do not see any change or get what we truly want inside? We are too scared to take that step into the unknown, to have a scratch around inside ourselves to see what may be lurking there and holding us back. We are not scared of failing, we are scared of our unattained potential. Our potential we were born with. The enthusiasm, the joy, the energy we had as children, we are afraid of where that may take us. What change it may bring. Change is always hard and seems impossible and once we are in the thick of it, we just want to say 'stop' and go back to where it feels safe but if we do not push through, we may never get our souls to live our biggest lives, our biggest potential. We will go to our death bed and feel the regret of the chances we never took or the places we never went.
Life is never perfect, the timing is never perfect. What is perfect is living despite all of this and facing yourself and your shadow stuff, the emotional baggage as best you can when it arises and if it doesn't arise, delving down there anyway in our mediation or with the help of an energy healing facilitator. What life could we create if we did not have the mind chatter of our parents, teachers, former failures, spiritual disciplinarians and so forth running on autopilot through our minds? What steps would we be willing to take and what authentic parts of ourselves would we be willing to show the world?
Unexpressed potential can be a downward spiral, sucking us further and further down and the further we go, the harder it is to get past those ingrained habitual ways of being. All you need to do to start lifting out and seeing new possibilities again is to take some action. An energy healing session can remove the blockages and patterns that have been holding you back for so long and have kept you stuck in a rut. With fresh energy running through your energy bodies, there is unlimited potential on the steps you could take to some different choices. To live the life you were destined to live. One filled with joy, love and peace. Though life may happen, the undercurrent of these positive attributes will carry you through and further than ever before. Positive life situations will find you and lessons can be learnt through love and fun, rather than pain and despair.
Thanks for reading,
Kim Lewis-Williams. All rights reserved | Design by W3layouts