The third eye chakra or Ajna, which is located in-between the eyes and just above the nose, connecting the eye brows. It is related to the pineal gland.
Once we are open to the magic of this chakra, we can start to see everything as connected, sacred and whole. Our elusions of good & bad are pulled apart and we can accept the greater unity within the cosmos. We are encouraged to control our desires and compulsions. We are able to move beyond the mundane issues of everyday life and rather connect to higher thoughts of wisdom, clairvoyance & knowledge. This is the area of the Sixth Sense. It grants us our sense of observation.
The Third Eye Chakra's element is light. Even though the third eye is blind, it has a deep vision because it's directed inside.
When we are able to understand that there is a connection to everything and that all our actions have consequences, we can learn to meditate and contemplate universal awareness, rather than focusing solely on your personal life. We can study the mysteries of nature, the universal laws of cause & effect and the powerful concept of life & death, without the need for religious dogma.
When this chakra is in need of balancing, then one may notice that their connection to their higher self, spirit, God etc is not strong. What can also be noticed is that one may be too involved with the daily stresses of life and not noticing the beautiful & mysterious world around them. One will not trust their intuition
This chakra is associated with one of the most well known mantras called : OM. Try meditate, repeat the mantra OM and visualize purple all around you. Now focus on the word Consciousness. What is the first thing that comes to mind? Do you experience and sensations or visualizations? Then try the word Universal Laws. How does that impact you?
Use aroma therapeutic essential oils such as Patchouli, Myrrh and Olibanum.
Choosing music that is classical in nature such as Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach can enhance the energies flowing to the third eye chakra.
Gemstones associated with the third eye chakra are amethyst, tourmaline and tanzanite.
Thanks for reading,
References :
Image courtesy of A Kundalini Yogini View
Meditation " Dreamwork - Tara Reid
The Subtle Body - Cyndi Dale
Basic Psychic Development - Friedlander & Hemsher
Balance Energy - Third Eye Chakra - Anja
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