The Manipura or solar plexus chakra is represented by a luminescent jewel and associated with fire. It is located midway between the navel and the base of the sternum. This chakra is responsible for digestion and reflects our ability to digest life around us and our thoughts.
From here our sense of personal power is manifest and translates as a consuming need for information and working in alignment with our life purpose. From the solar plexus chakra we can have an understanding of ourselves and others. It is a guide through life as it helps us establish personal boundaries, builds self-esteem and willpower.
This is a powerful psychic centre and is where a person will get a "gut-feeling".
The bright yellow colour of this chakra helps us to feel emotionally joyful, helps us to be daring, out-going and to be social. Leaders and explorers are able to embrace this good qualities of this chakra.
An unbalanced solar plexus chakra will leave a person trying to control the ebb and flow of life. The abuse of power over others and the need to control others also stems from an unbalance in this area. On the flip side, a person who solar plexus chakra is unbalanced may have a low self-esteem, be prone to depression and worry what others think of them.
If the unbalanced aspects of this chakra resonate with you, then here are some simple ideas to get your chakra re-balanced.
Firstly, try meditate on the word willpower and self-esteem. What comes up? Focus on the area just below your rib cage. Is it difficult to focus on this area. Try to fill this area with a brilliant yellow and allow it to consume you. Does it feel good? If not, then why?
Do you feel lost in life? Stagnant?
Try find a hobby and book an adventurous holiday. Work with a life coach on what you would love to do in life.
Wear a gold bracelet or necklace, or carry with you yellow gemstones like Amber or Topaz.
Lay in the sun for the next few days and let it fill you with its amazing radiation and energy.
Thanks for reading,
References :
Image courtesy of Phoenix Amethyst Reiki
Meditation " Dreamwork - Tara Reid
The Subtle Body - Cyndi Dale
Basic Psychic Development - Friedlander & Hemsher
Balance Energy - Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura
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