Also known as the Svadhisthana chakra is located in the pelvic area and radiates and orange colour. It is the centre of passion, enjoyment & pleasure and initiates the expansion of one's individuality. Where the root chakra is connected to the earth, this chakra is connected to water and tells us to go with the flow and enjoy the rhythms & cycles of life. The animal connected to this chakra is the crocodile and it expresses itself in the water.
Through the sacral chakra we express our creativity and sexual energy. Are you willing to fill yourself with the sweetness of life and love?
Psychologically, the second chakra encourages the development of our unique personalities, our ability to create and nurture, and our need for love and sweetness.
If your sacral chakra is imbalanced, you may feel too much of peoples energy, as better boundaries will need to be established.
Are you emotionally expressive or quite self-contained?
Are fulfilling is your sex life? Does it mean more than just the physical?
Is there self-love for yourself and are you able to creatively express yourself?
Next time you meditate, focus on the colour orange and see what images, feelings or thoughts come up. Next focus on the word creativity and then the word sex.
If you feel that your sacral chakra requires a boost, focus on eating orange food and wearing orange clothing.
Try the following affirmation : I love and enjoy my body. I have healthy boundaries. I am open to experiencing the present moment through my senses. I am passionate. I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath I take. I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water. I know how to take care of my needs. I value and respect my body. I am open to touch and closeness. I allow myself to experience pleasure. My sexuality is sacred. Emotions are the language of my soul. I take good care of my physical body. I am at peace.
Thanks for reading,
References :
Image courtesy of Holistic Yoga School
Meditation " Dreamwork - Tara Reid
The Subtle Body - Cyndi Dale
Basic Psychic Development - Friedlander & Hemsher
Chakra Anatomy - The Sacral Chakra
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