Did you know the divorce rate among married couples is around 50%? This is a massive and scary statistic. Did you know that of those same people who get divorced, those same people have a higher chance of another divorce? Of the people that stay married, a large majority of them are unhappy in their relationship and continue to have relationship problems and issues. Even a lot of people who are in long term relationships have dysfunctional relationships.The way people manage their relationships is flawed and needs to be acknowledged, addressed and hopefully to some extent, rectified. Couples should be focused on clearing their issues, focusing on the best in each other, investigate some Relationship Coaching Skills so they can better handle stress and un-expected circumstances.

Healthy Relationships

If you want an excellent, healthy relationship and/or marriage, then you have to start taking it very seriously. Most people take their relationships too casually as if they have mastered something that they have never bothered to learn about. They assume that they automatically know how to save a marriage. You must be willing to study how to create a successful relationship, rather than automatically assume that you are a master of it already. Don’t assume that you know how to love and what love is. Don’t think that because you can talk, that you know how to communicate or that because you have had sex before, that now you are a great lover. How often does a simple debate turn into an uncontrolled raging argument because one or the other cannot manage their emotions? This ignorance keeps people in the dark and keeps the cycle happening again and again, no matter how many times they may change partners. Don’t assume that you know what a good relationship is. You are not born knowing how to create a good relationship. Guys know very little about girls and girls know very little about guys and because of that fact, it can be very difficult to have a successful relationship.

The Solution

The solution is to study the psychology of men and women. To study and learn about your own psychology. Hire a professional. Learn how to be a great lover. Not how to be good in bed, but how to make your partner feel valued during those intimate times. Think about this, if you want to become a successful sports person, you must practice diligently and get a good coach. Commit to a path of mastery. The same applies to a budding singer. They get a great coach, who will show them how they can better themselves and deliver a great performance. You need to work deeply on yourself, on all your potential hang-ups that can ruin your relationship. Work on yourself because you cannot control the other person in the relationship. If you are not getting the results that you want, then you must admit to yourself that you don’t know enough about what you are trying to do. It may not always be pretty to work on yourself, but you may find the rewards will far out-weigh the uncomfortable feeling of looking within.

Your emotions are a great place to start when it comes to inner reflection. Watch yourself, as if from an outsiders perspective on how your body and respond to your sense of anger for example. Simply observe how you react the first few times. Then, when you have cooled down a little, go back and look for areas where you know you didn't have to react so intensely. Then, next time you get angry with your spouse, focus on what is going on. Look at it from their perspective. Watch how you react and what makes you react. Learn to take responsibility for your actions and to not be a victim to your actions/re-actions.

4 Tips To Help Amend Your Relationship

  • You cannot be in a successful relationship, while all the while fearing that if the other person leaves you, then you will not function. Be confident in who you are and what you can offer the world.
  • Sort out your finances and career. Finances cause a lot of stress in a relationship.
  • Take care of your health. Sort out your health and fitness.
  • Work on your psychology. Work on your neurotic behavior problems that are often a huge cause of relationship issues.

The things that are worthwhile in your life will take work and effort.

Thanks for reading,