Are you feeling Negative and down. Heavy, weary, tired, depressed, sad, tired, lethargic, unmotivated, sad, dark?
I have noticed as of the last 3 months, a huge shift taking place within each and every one of us. We are being forced to look at our dark or shadow sides whether we would like to or not. Being a spiritual person can often focus on the light “rainbow and butterflies” of it all, missing a very key component of balance - the dark side! We must look at this within ourselves if we are to be free.
By pretending or stuffing down these lower vibration feelings like fear, anxiety, pain, anger, guilt, we do ourselves a disservice. Only if we are brave enough to look at the root cause of the pain within the shadows, only then can we integrate these elements that scare us the most. When we deal or look at these experiences/feelings/trauma’s known or unknown within ourselves, we then empower ourselves by moving past them.
They did happen, it did cause us pain but by looking at it, we can integrate it back into the whole, ultimately making us feel more whole again. The more we distance ourselves from our pain, the more we don’t look at or pretend it didn’t happen, compartmentalize or stuff it back down, the more it festers, the more painful it feels and the more unbalanced we can feel.
It must be brought forward, we must look at it straight on, face it, then release it in which ever way your body or energy system needs. We then feel a sense of release! A lighter us moving forward. The more and more we look at these aspects of ourselves, the more and more powerful, confident, whole we become and feel.
Thanks for reading,
Kim Lewis-Williams. All rights reserved | Design by W3layouts